
Mekong River

14/10/11 – 17/10/11

14-15: Stayed in Luang Prabang (Laos). Lovely town next to the Mekong River, classic architecture, feels a lot like Hoi An but not so touristy. During my stay I visited Wat Tham Phu a temple on top of the only hill in town, great views of the local surroundings. Also visited the Night Market which runs through the centre of town, a massive market which sells all sorts of gifts, I pick up a monk painting made on special local paper.

16-17: Board a Slow Boat as we make a two day journey to the Thai border along the Mekong River, which I have come across before on my travels. We have an overnight stay in Pak Beng, a small riverside town with only one bar. Here I eat Buffalo and tried the local rice wine – Lao Lao. End up visiting the only bar which we turn into a nightclub. The next day after a 10 hour boat journey we reach Chiang Khong (Thailand) where we have to perform a water border crossing.

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