

The city of Hue was our destination today as we made an early start to drive the 4 hours north to this next city. Our journey was to take us over Hai Van Pass, simply put one of the best driving roads in the world. As we made our ascent on one side the view became more and more stunning as the sight of the town of Danang surrounding by mountains became our landscape view. At the top we stop for a short break to be able to take in this amazing view, it was like being on top of the world. For me the whole journey to Hue was fantastic, every view was like a picture postcard, this carried on as we passed along Lang Co beach. This had to be one of the best car journeys in my life, one not to be missed.

On arriving in Hue we had a motorbike tour booked to visit several local sights during the whole afternoon. We had a vegan lunch at a monastery, drove along rice paddies, saw ducks being herded, visited the only colosseum in Asia, saw Tien Mu Pagoda, went to Bunker Hill and took a tour inside the Citadel visiting the Forbidden Purple City (most of it was destroyed during the Tet Offensive).

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