
Indo-China Discovery

I am currently writing this post from a wet Siem Reap in Cambodia. Due to recent heavy rain parts of the country have experienced high levels of flooding and this is what greets us as we arrive in town.
Anyway yesterday I joined my Gap Adventure tour group at the Bangkok Centre Hotel. After a quick briefing we went across the road to have our first meal with each other. After coming back a few of us decided to have a few drinks in the hotel bar. Whilst sitting there we were approached by a member of staff who ask if a Japanese tourist could come and take our picture, he apparently thought two of our number where the footballers Wayne Rooney and Messi! Not to disappoint him we happy had our picture taken with him.
After an early start today we made our way to the border where we crossed with almost no problems. As soon as you step into Cambodia the difference in wealth compared to Thailand is noticeable, conditions here are a lot poorer. After a stop off for lunch (where I discover I am likely to have my own room for the whole trip) we continue our journey to Siem Reap. On the road there the only view is of the rice paddies which stretch miles across the countryside, there are only a few hills ever now and then, otherwise the land is completely flat.
As said before when entering Siem Reap we get to see signs of the recent flooding that has hit this part of the world. The river has burst its banks with water flowing across most streets and into people’s houses and shops. With more rain to come tomorrow the level will only rise, but despite this people continue to go about their usual business.
In the evening we have dinner at a local home, one with looks after local child. Tuks tuks were arranged to take us there but because of the flooding pickups are sent instead, so in local fashion several of us climbed into the back of one of the pickups before being driven through the floods. After a fantastic meal we get to meet some of the children they look after, were we are encouraged to test out there English which is very good before leaving with high fives all round. One thing you notice in this part of the world is how friendly all the people are, you can never guess there ages either, they all look miles younger than they actually are.

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