
Arrival in Bangkok

Well I have finally arrived at my first stop - Bangkok. First impressions are good; have to say that the city reminds me of a few sci-fi films (Blade Runner etc.) in the way that it has been built on several levels. Railway tracks and car lanes rise above your head, were as the ground is home to masses of traffic rushing around, I wouldn't like to risk crossing the road with using a bridge!

Anyway the dreaded 12 hour flight turned out to be good. I was sat in the middle row of the aircraft next to a British couple who have holidayed several times in this region, so I at least had someone to talk to. Have to say that the flight was very mixed in terms of the people on board; Westerns seem to be the majority. Ended up watching X-men: First Class (recommend it) and try to catch some sleep, although this is impossible when sited upright on an aircraft. Dinner and breakfast was dished out along with drinks, overall fantastic service and I would recommend travelling with EVA air (nope I had never heard of them before either).

For tonight I am staying at Lub d Siam Square hostel located near the National Stadium before joining up with my tour group tomorrow across town, I'm just going to do a bit of exploring tonight and eat some food before turning in early to get some sleep.

My adventure has finally started!

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