
Angkor Wat

After a very early start (4.45 meet) we were on our way to see the sun rise over Angkor Wat. It was lightly drizzling when we took our seat on the left hand side of the ancient complex and begun our wait. But with the heavy rains atm, cloud unfortunately blocked any view of the sun as it made its ascent in the sky. Today it was meant to rise right over the centre tower, but watching as the light slowly grew behind the clouds still turned out to be a silent, peaceful moment. Our tour guide then took us for a walk around the complex before we climb up to the highest level. Despite his best attempts to make us interact with him, the early start was against his favour.
Of course this all changed after we went back to our hotel to have a quick rest and to grab breakfast, the afternoon tour prove to be a lot more successfully as people had some more energy in them. For the second part we first visited the Bayon temple before visiting others in the same complex. Here we saw monkeys for the first time as well as elephants. After 2 hours of walking round we went to grab some lunch which turned out to be the right time as heavy rain started to pour down after we sat down. Here our guide brought as a plate of beef and ants to try which didn't turn out to be too bad - apart from the bits of ants that got stuck in the back of your throat!
After lunch when the rain had slowed down we went to visit the famous Tomb Raider complex which has mostly been left as it was found, with massive trees growing through and around the ruins. For me this was the best one as it felt like we were doing some proper exploration, wondering around the ruins and coming across stunning views of nature claiming back what was once its own. All the while though the rain had still been falling, driving back to our hotel we come across a bus which has fallen in a ditch at a 45 degree angle. With more and more rain you can visibly see the flooding getting worst in town. Roads which were dry on our way out are now under water, if it continues tonight it will soon hit our hotel. Of course though life goes on here even though people are being severely effected.

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