

Time to say goodbye to my Aussie hosts and I have to say I was having to hold back tears as I said farewell to Ray and Lu as they dropped me off at the local train station. I hope to see them again one day; they are truly special people to me now. Back on my own and having to go back to dorm life once again after being treated so well left my emotions all over the place, for the second time I was home sick. Due to the beach house having no internet connection I had not managed to make a reservation for a hostel in Sydney so on arriving I discovered not to my surprise that there was no room in any central hostel for that night. Instead I had to travel north along the coast to a hostel above Manly to spend a night there before heading back the next morning. In the evening I took a stroll along the beach while the sun was setting, looking out to the east were I knew in the distance my next port of call New Zealand was laying in wait.

Back in the city centre the next day I took one last stroll through the town down to the harbour and gardens wondering if or when I would ever see the harbour bridge again – who knows.

My last full day in Australia was an important landmark on my around the world trip, I had finally reached the halfway point. The countdown to home would now begin starting with arriving in New Zealand the next day. For my last day I jumped on a train out west to Katoomba situated in the heart of the Blue Mountains range. While here I did a few mountain walks and saw the famous Three Sisters rock formation. Heading back to catch my train I stopped off to grab some cake to celebrate reaching my halfway point, I choose to pick up some Rocky Horror. That evening I took a final stroll around Darling harbour before heading back as I had an early start the next day.

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