


My next destination was Chicago but to get there I would first have to spend nearly two full days travelling on buses across the States, this of course meant travelling with Greyhound. Now Greyhound has a mixed representation, mainly it is negative so I was a bit apprehensive as to what to expect. Boarding my first bus in the afternoon we were soon on our way through travelling through Utah in the evening where I encountered snow for the first time on my trip, I had finally experienced all the seasons. We had several heavy snow showers that night but luckily they didn’t hinder us.

I woke up the next day to discover we had crossed over into rocky Colorado where I was to catch my next bus in Denver. This all went smoothly so that afternoon I found myself in the agricultural state of Nebraska, the view out of the window repeatedly was either of cornfields or barns. Mile after mile the view never changed but the time went by quickly enough as I eventually made my last transfer in Omaha that evening. The next state Iowa was much the same, a continuation of the flat cornfields and barns.

Early on my third day of travel I finally made it to Chicago, Illinois. I was super tried after two nights of little sleep on the buses but I couldn’t check into my hostel till later in the afternoon so I had almost 9 hours of waiting time. I ventured out only for a little while to quickly see nearby Grant Park where all the major museums are located before heading back to check in and crash out for the evening.

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