


Only a short bus ride as I was just moving on to Wanaka which is only around an hour away from Queenstown. I arrived to find that the weather was pleasant once again so with only a short time to explore the surroundings I did an afternoon hike around the bay to Beacon Point passing a variety of mountain ranges before I continued a short way in the direction of Arthurs Town.

The next day I hiked up to the top of Mount Iron to get some good views of the surrounding area. In the afternoon I walked along the other side of the bay to see the town nestled at the end of the bay.

Another long travel day as I left Central Otago behind and made my way further north by way of the West Coast. On route we passed through scenic Haust and then followed the road next to the coast as the rainforest grew around us. Finally in the late afternoon we emerged into glacier country and my jump off point of Franz Josef.

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