


An early start as I made my way to the train station to board the Overland to Melbourne. The journey would take 10 hours so I mainly spent the time on board either reading or having a snooze. It was a different landscape we passed compared to the outback I had travelled through on the Indian Pacific, here farmers’ fields stretched out into the distance. My hostel in Melbourne was just 5 minutes from the train station so after settling in for my one night’s stay I took a quick stroll to the centre of the city before feeling the weight of the days travels I returned to bed.

My flight to Hobart the next day was in the early morning so tonight I would be sleeping at the airport. I mainly filled the time by doing laundry, visiting some of the sights of the city including Federation Square and doing the last preparation to send birthday and Christmas cards home. I tried not to see too much as I knew I would be coming back to Melbourne to explore it probably in a few weeks’ time. After delaying for as long as possible I made my way to the airport where I soon settled in for the night to try and catch some sleep if it was at all possible.

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